Creative head-cum-producer Guru Deshpande is worried a lot about the bleak prospects of his latest movie Love You Rachchu at the box office. With hero Ajay Rao refusing to attend promotional activities of Love You Rachchu and the proposed bandh on December 31 by Kannada activists demanding the government to ban Maharashtra Ekikaran Samiti (MES) for burning Kannada flag and damaging Krantiveera Sangolli Rayanna statue, Deshpande has been trying desperately to get the bandh either advanced to December 30 or postponed to January 7.
He even had a telephonic conversation with Sa Ra Govindu, former president of Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce in this regard. “I want the bandh to be postponed to January 7 when the multi-lingual movie RRR is scheduled for release.
I do not want Kannada activists to go ahead with their plan for Karnataka bandh on December 31 as two Kannada movies – Love You Rachchu and Arjun Gowda – are scheduled to be released on that day. Let it affect the prospects of big-budget movie RRR but certainly not Kannada movie producers,’’ says Deshpande.
Expressing displeasure over Ajay Rao not turning to promotional activities of Love You Rachchu, Deshpande has said that he had invested Rs 4 crore to produce Love You Rachchu.
“Ajay Rao has said that he will promote Love You Rachchu on his own but till date he did nothing to promote the movie on social media. I will not forgive Aja Rao if Love You Rachchu fails at the box office,’’ he said.